Bullying is something that everyone goes through at least once in their life. People might think they are joking but what they are saying can really hurt someone. The internet really adds to bullying, cyber bullying is another very hurtful thing. Bullying, however, is taken way too far when someone kills themselves because of things said to them. Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14 year old from Williamsville North High school took his own like on Sunday September, 18th. Jamey had only just started his freshman year. Comments were made on his formspring account (a website where people can write things anonymously to someone) such as "I wouldn't care if you died. No one would. So just do it :) It would make everyone WAY more happier!" and "JAMIE IS STUPID, GAY, FAT ANND [sic] UGLY. HE MUST DIE!" This tragedy was recognized by Lady Gaga (Jamey’s idol). Gaga tweeted “Bullying must become illegal. It is a hate crime,". I completely agree with Lady Gaga’s statement. Jamey was such a young boy and had his whole life ahead of him, but yet he killed himself because of other peoples’ cruelty. I think that the saying ‘sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you’ is completely false. Words can do a lot of harm to a person mentally. I also believe that the kids who pushed Jamey to kill himself should be punished. It is their entire fault he took his own life. Furthermore, I don’t agree with bullying someone because of their sexuality. If someone is a homosexual it doesn’t make them a bad person whatsoever. Jamey said, "Love yourself and you're set. ... I promise you, it will get better.", I think it is very sad that Jamey obviously felt this way at one point but bullies just pushed him over the edge. I would really like to see an end to bullying. There is nothing positive about bullying; all it does is hurt people.
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